Monday, December 10, 2007

In the belly of a beast

While Christians preach about the sinfulness of mankind in rejecting belief in Jesus Christ, the real sin goes largely overlooked, as is mostly recognized outside of Christian circles. That sin is what we, as a human race, are doing to Planet Earth. Through the demands of industry that revolve around satisfying our desires, we participate in the destruction of the environment that supports us. How long will Mother Earth be patient with us?

I speak and act as one of the perpetrators. Just as the environment that surrounds me and enables me to write this entry contributes to the problem, in a larger way I supply the substances that fuel addictions and lead to major societal degradation. I would never, ever desire to give an alcoholic the booze they demand; I wouldn't dream of supplying the grog that destroys aboriginal communities; I can't imagine being party to the excessive beer that leads to a fatal accident. Yet as I continue to offer services of support to this company, I indirectly do each of these actions. I have taken responsibility, and I have resigned; the burden of the remainder of my time is a commitment not to the company but to those who have relied upon me.

As I walked around the city at lunchtime I really felt the weight of just how much a machine it is; people rushing this way and that, stores designed to provide some form of self-satisfaction, and the occasional beggar to make us feel guilty for our prosperity. The Jesus I read in the Gospels would not be a city-dweller; he would not sip lattes in the funky art-deco cafe. I wouldn't exactly call these thing evil, just woefully imbalanced. The city is a dreadfully lonely place, even where the population is so incredibly dense. The reality is that the city has no soul as it is driven by a faulty greed-centered philosophy.

I am a descendent of this philosophy, and so find it incredibly difficult to resist. Yet resist it I must, with whatever motivation and energy that I can gather. I have struggled lately with motivation, and find giving up my luxuries to be near-on impossible, such a grip they have on me. The will to be strong and led by a grander vision gives way to my petty desires. If there is any hope of a great Spirit of the universe, may that Spirit guide me in this grand quest.

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